Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Section 1-3 Shifting, Reflecting, and Stretching Graphs

Sunday, September 26, 2010


By: James Thomas

To understand how graphs can shift and reflect you must first know about the parent functions of the graph.

Parent Function: The most basic form of a equation for a graph.

Vertical and Horizontal Shifts

1) Vertical shift c units upward                    h(x)=f(x)+c
2) Vertical shift c units downward               h(x)=f(x)-c
3) Horizontal shift c units to the right          h(x)=f(x+c)
4) Horizontal shift c units to the right          h(x)=f(x-c)


              - g(x)=(x-2)2+3

Parent function = g(x)=x2
Horizontal Shift = -2....... Right Three (Translate the opposite of the sign)
Vertical Shift = +3...... Up Three

Reflecting Graphs

Graphs can also be reflected over the x-axis and y-axis depending on a (-) sign in the equation.

- Reflection over the x-axis                    h(x)=-f(x)
- Reflection over the y-axis                    h(x)=f(-x)


Nonrigid Transformations:

- Rigid Transformations- Horizontal and Vertical Shifts because they dont affect the graphs shape or structure, just the location.
- Nonrigid Transformations - Causes a distortion in the graph making it skinnier or fatter.

- Skinny Transformation = 0 < c < 1
- Fatter Transformation = c > 1


            - g(x) = 3x2 ,           g(x)= 1/4x2

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